The Effect of Games and Simulations in Learning Mathematics: A Quasi-Experimental Study

The Effect of Games and Simulations in Learning Mathematics: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Nidup Dorji Ramjar Middle Secondary School Bhutan
Karma Sonam Rigdel* Wangbama Central School Bhutan
This study aimed to investigate the effect of games and simulations on the academic achievement of secondary school students in mathematics. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the study utilized both an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG) to assess the effectiveness of games and simulations in learning mathematics. A total of 62 grade nine students participated. The EG was exposed to quiz games, problem-solving games, polyprod games, and PhET simulations for teaching polynomials, while the CG followed traditional teaching methods. Data were collected using mathematics achievement test scores and a survey questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that students had positive perceptions of using games and simulations in learning mathematics, with an overall mean score (M = 4.18, SD = 0.71). The EG showed significantly higher mathematics achievement than the CG, demonstrating the effectiveness of games and simulations in learning (p<0.05). Additionally, a strong positive correlation (r = 0.96) was found between students’ perceptions of games and simulations and their mathematics achievement. The study concludes with implications and recommendations for future research.
mathematics achievement test
traditional method

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