Impact of Students’ Reading Habits on Academic Performance in English of Bhutanese Higher Secondary School Students

Impact of Students’ Reading Habits on Academic Performance in English of Bhutanese Higher Secondary School Students

Tshering Wangchuk Dechencholing Higher Secondary School Ministry of Education and Skills Development Bhutan
Sherab Jamtsho* Dechencholing Higher Secondary School Ministry of Education and Skills Development Bhutan
This study investigates the impact of reading habits on English academic performance among Bhutanese higher secondary students using a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data were collected from 378 participants, while qualitative data were gathered from 16 interviewees and one focus group discussion involving teachers, parents, and students from higher secondary schools. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were employed for quantitative data, while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that students’ reading habits positively influence academic performance in English. Moreover, the study highlighted the crucial roles of teachers and parents in fostering these habits. However, it underscored that modern challenges such as the pervasive use of information and communication technology threaten to diminish students’ reading habits. The study also identified barriers to regular reading, including difficulty comprehending texts, time constraints, inadequate guidance, unsupportive environments, limited resources, and restricted library access. Consequently, the study recommends collaborative efforts among parents, teachers, and schools to adopt diverse strategies and methods to promote and sustain reading habits among students.
Reading habits
academic performance

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