Editorial policies

The Vietnam Journal of Ecudational Scicences publishes papers relating to all aspects of education and training - from theory to practice - in Vietnam and other countries. To ensure scientific standards and quality, all papers are reviewed by prestigious scientists and leading experts in education and training.

Copyright & Licensing

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher.

As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as derivative reproduction (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source). All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher.

Publication costs

The entire process of article publication is free of charge; the authors are not charged any fee at any stage of the process until the end of 2023.


Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences (VJES) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. Authors, reviewers, editors, and the editorial board are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the integrity and credibility of the journal's content.


Authorship and Originality

Authors should ensure that their submitted manuscripts are original works and have not been previously published elsewhere.

All authors must have made significant contributions to the research and agree to be listed as authors.

Any conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be disclosed.


Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

Authors are required to submit only original work, and any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Proper citations and references must be provided for all sources of information and ideas.


Manuscript Submission and Review

Authors must follow the submission guidelines provided by the journal.

Submitted manuscripts will undergo a fair and timely peer-review process conducted by experts in the field.

Reviewers are expected to provide constructive and unbiased feedback.


Conflicts of Interest

Authors, reviewers, and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the objectivity of the research, review process, or editorial decisions.


Data Integrity and Reproducibility

Authors should provide accurate and reliable data. Manipulation or falsification of data is unacceptable.

Authors should be prepared to provide access to raw data for editorial review if necessary.


Consent and Ethical Approval

Authors must ensure that proper informed consent has been obtained for studies involving human subjects.


Corrections and Retractions

If errors are identified after publication, authors are responsible for promptly notifying the journal's editors and cooperating with the correction process.

Retractions will be issued in cases of serious ethical violations or errors that significantly affect the interpretation of the work.


Editorial Independence

The editorial board and reviewers will evaluate manuscripts based on their scientific merit, without regard to the authors' race, gender, nationality, or institutional affiliation.

Editorial decisions will be guided by the journal's policies and ethical guidelines.


Intellectual Property

Authors should respect the intellectual property rights of others and seek permission for the use of copyrighted material.


Transparency and Accountability

The editorial board is committed to transparency in all editorial decisions, and all parties involved are expected to be accountable for their actions.


Adherence to these guidelines will contribute to the credibility and reputation of the Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences and foster a culture of ethical conduct in academic research and publishing. Violations of these guidelines may result in corrective actions, including the retraction of published articles and restrictions on future submissions.