Modernizing Education in Research4Life Countries: Integrating STEM and Developing the Model Design Process for Secondary Education in Vietnam

Modernizing Education in Research4Life Countries: Integrating STEM and Developing the Model Design Process for Secondary Education in Vietnam

Lan-Phuong Nguyen Institute of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (IISS) Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Integrated education models, particularly the integration of STEM into secondary education programs, have a positive impact on students’ critical thinking. This study emphasizes significant changes in the education systems of many countries, specifically those within the Research4Life group. By integrating STEM into secondary education, the study shows improvements in students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Enhancing STEM knowledge, developing creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and boosting learning spirit and confidence are key findings. The study also focuses on developing a comprehensive 6-step process from idea generation to STEM model design for secondary education. The goal of this process is to create STEM models that students from elementary to high school levels can use to solve real-life problems. To expand the research, the next step involves testing and evaluating the STEM model design process in actual secondary schools to determine its effectiveness and feasibility. The study also needs to continue exploring education policies and support measures to promote the integration of STEM into secondary education, especially in developing countries. This will help raise awareness and support from policy decisions and the education community.
Education modernization
STEM integration
Research4Life countries
Creative Thinking
Problem solving skills
Education policy.

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