Improving the Reading for Pleasure Habit of Students of Samtse College of Education

Improving the Reading for Pleasure Habit of Students of Samtse College of Education

Yangdon* Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
Sonam Daker Samtse College of Education Bhutan
Ugyen Dorji Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
Tashi Gyeltshen Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
Kesang Wangmo Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
Reading for pleasure is essential for the students of Samtse College of Education as it helps enhance communication skills, upgrade knowledge, and serve as a role model to inspire students. However, it was found that the reading-for-pleasure habit among students at Samtse College of Education (SCE) is poor. This action research investigated improving the reading-forpleasure habit of the students at SCE. The participants in the action research comprised 16 classes, including students from M.Ed, B.Ed, and BA in Social Work programs. Data for the study were gathered using questionnaires and interviews. A total of 325 students responded to the questionnaire, and 57 students participated in the interview, both in the pre- and post-intervention data collection phases. The baseline and post-intervention data were analyzed using the statistical mean for the questionnaire data and thematic analysis for the interview data. Following the analysis of the baseline data, three intervention strategies-Our Time To Enjoy Reading (OTTER), Self-Indulgence Reading, and Raffle Draw-were used in all 16 classes for eight weeks. The analysis of the two sets of data showed that the intervention strategies were effective in promoting the reading-for-pleasure habits of the students. The findings indicated that, of the three intervention strategies, OTTER was the most effective. The study recommends the continuation of the reading program to further enhance the reading-for-pleasure habits of the students.

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