EFL Students’ Views on MOOCs’ Usability in the North of Vietnam: A Qualitative Study

EFL Students’ Views on MOOCs’ Usability in the North of Vietnam: A Qualitative Study

Nguyen Huu Hoang huuhoang309@gmail.com Academy of Journalism and Communication (Vietnam)
The primary aim of this study was to explore the usability of Language Massive Open Online Courses (LMOOCs) from the perspective of Vietnamese learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). To achieve this, the research utilized a qualitative questionnaire to gather data from a purposively selected group of 12 EFL learners. These participants were drawn from five different universities in the north of Vietnam. The outcomes of the study encompass a wide array of positive and negative facets pertaining to LMOOCs. Based on the findings of content analysis, it can be observed that learners exhibit consensus regarding the favorable attributes of LMOOCs. These attributes encompass the learning environment, the applicability of LMOOCs in language acquisition, the inclusive nature of educational technology employed, and the existence of parental involvement. However, the attitudes of the learners exhibited inconsistency when it came to affective variables and feedback in the context of LMOOCs. Ultimately, it was posited that contextual considerations serve as impediments to the adoption of LMOOCs. The study posits that it would be beneficial for EFL authorities in Vietnam and similar contexts to increase the provision of teacher education and professional development courses. This would help EFL instructors to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement teaching methodologies utilizing LMOOCs.
Language Massive Open Online Courses (LMOOCs)
qualitative content analysis
Vietnamese EFL learners

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