The Process of Developing AI Chatbot Scenario for Teaching Chemistry

The Process of Developing AI Chatbot Scenario for Teaching Chemistry

Nguyen Minh Giam Institute of Engineering Education, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
Ngo Tu Thanh Institute of Engineering Education, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
Research and analyze the definitions of AI chatbots, the basic architecture of intelligent chatbots, international publications on the application of AI Chatbots in teaching, through the theoretical research method as a scientific basis to perfect AI chatbots scripting process in teaching. The focus of the study is also novelty, the author’s new contribution is through the study of the digitization of chemical databases, the compatibility between AI chatbots and the proposed content of chemistry teaching. From there, the process of building AI Chatbot scenarios in teaching subjects in general and chemistry in particular is proposed to contribute to the development of students’ self-study, self-control and self-discovery capacity. Thanks to this AI chatbot scripting process, with a new teaching medium, the new teacher is the AI chatbot virtual assistant, making teaching easier.
Artificial intelligence
ai chatbot
teaching methods

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