Developing Digital Capacity for Teaching Staff of Technology and Technical Majors according to the Multi-Intelligence Theory

Developing Digital Capacity for Teaching Staff of Technology and Technical Majors according to the Multi-Intelligence Theory

Truong Viet Phuc People’s Police University of Technology and Logistics (Vietnam)
The article reflects and analyzes the characteristics and requirements of organizations teaching technical and technological specialties according to multi-intelligence theory, especially prior to the development of education and training activities in the Revolutionary Industry 4.0 and digital transformation in the context of higher education today. The article analyzes the concepts and content of teaching technology and technical majors according to the multiple intelligence theory; the requirements of the teaching staff in teaching majors of technology and technical. In addition, the article offers the solutions to develop digital capacity for teaching staff of technology and technical majors according to the multi-intelligence theory.
technology and technical majors
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
digital capacity
higher education
Training activities

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