GeoGebra As a Tool to Enhance Understanding of the Concept of Derivative of a Function and Develop Mathematical Competencies

GeoGebra As a Tool to Enhance Understanding of the Concept of Derivative of a Function and Develop Mathematical Competencies

Pham Sy Nam Department of Applied Mathematics, Saigon University
Derivative has a central role in calculus. Most students have conceptual difficulties regarding derivative in terms of understanding and giving sense to it. This study conducted a teaching experiment, supported by the use of GeoGebra software to design mathematical tasks on the derivative of a function at a point for an 11th grade classroom. This class of 32 students was divided into eight groups of four students, and each group had the opportunity to operate with the model on GeoGebra. The results showed that the numerical representation, the graphical representation, and the algebraic representation help students understand the concept of derivative. Through observing students’ actions as they carried out tasks, we are able to assess the mathematical competencies that students have achieved.
the concept of derivative
GeoGebra software
representations of mathematical competences.

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