Math and Coding in STEM education

Math and Coding in STEM education

Daryna Vasylieva * Institute of Pedagogy of NAES
Tetiana Hodovaniuk Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Overall, this article focuses on the implementation of STEM education in Ukraine and the description of different models of STEM education. Specifically, it defines the concept of STEM literacy, and concentrates on the interdisciplinary links between mathematics and coding in the context of STEM education by analysing various curricula of mathematics and coding. Firstly, this paper gives examples of the Ukrainian mathematics curriculum for the 5th and 6th graders, including the necessary themes that form a mathematical base for the further study of coding and other STEM subjects. This paper also provides an overview of the students’ prerequisite mathematical knowledge to take part in the 7th grade’s coding class. Secondly, it provides examples of specific mathematics tasks (e.g., compiling algorithms, working with flowcharts, reading parts of codes) that help strengthen the mathcoding links. A survey was sent out to mathematics and ICT teachers for data collection
interdisciplinary links
Mathematics curriculum
models of STEM education
STEM literacy

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