Gifted education in Malaysia: A promising tomorrow

Gifted education in Malaysia: A promising tomorrow

Syamil Bin Ahmad Shakir Kolej GENIUS Insan, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Myra Aidrin Binti Mohd Ali Kolej GENIUS Insan, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Gifted education in Malaysia can be traced back to the 1980s. However, the first gifted school was established in 2011. It was later included in the policy as the awareness of gifted education gained more significance. The gifted education curriculum is specifically designed to tailor to the needs of gifted students while also accommodating the standard national curriculum. This paper reviews history and current practice of gifted education in Malaysia. The conclusion showed that there is much room for improvement for gifted education in Malaysia and find the best system to cater to the needs of gifted students that are arising in Malaysia.
Gifted education
history and current practice
national curriculum

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