Exploring middle school students’ creative capacity in reading literary texts

Exploring middle school students’ creative capacity in reading literary texts

Nguyen Thi Thanh Nga ngantt@vnies.edu.vn The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences
Bui Thi Dien dienbt@vnies.edu.vn The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences
This study aims to discover middle school students’ creative capacity in reading literary texts. Starting with discussing the definition of creative capacity prior to assessing the creative capacity of 128 middle school students in reading literary texts, the research finds that Vietnamese students perform well in a low level of creativity as in recognizing new ideas. However, they are limited in the high level of the capacity in reading comprehension such as giving their own opinion on literary text content, comparing works, applying the values of literary texts into real life as well as the ability to create new products. The results provide significant insights into the current situation of enhancing creative capacity for students in reading comprehension grounding the basis for proposing some appropriate solutions and recommendations to help develop students’ creativity in reading comprehension of literary texts.
Middle school students
Creative capacity
reading literary texts
reading comprehension

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