Assessment to learning: A possible addition to formative assessment

Assessment to learning: A possible addition to formative assessment

Tony Richardson Education Consultant, Australia
Nguyen Ngoc Anh The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences
Nguyen Tam Trang PhD student of Monash University,, Australia
Dang Thi Huong Thao Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
Assessment to Learning (AtL) emphasises social constructivism, via the collective and sharing of knowledge through guided and planned incremental learning. The goal of AtL is to capture and impact on the learner’s learning journey. AtL achieves this goal above by acknowledging the power of collective learning experiences; the learning experiences that reflect the successes and failures of the learner, their peers and their teacher/s (henceforth referred to as the participants), and then, through cultivating those learning experiences into Future Actionable Knowledge (FAK). FAK represents the application of present, past and future knowledge by emphasizing the Multi-Dimensional Discourse (MDD) communication channels, via Feedback-Feedforward Learning (FB-FFL), between the participants to diminish gaps-in-knowledge. Therefore, AtL is a formative assessment process built on the learning experiences of the participants to guide, and incrementally impact, via FAK, on their learning by facilitating a diminishment of gaps-in-knowledge.
feedback-feedforward learning and future actionable knowledge
formative assessment

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