A Bibliometrics study on homework from 1977 to 2020

A Bibliometrics study on homework from 1977 to 2020

Phan Thi Thanh Thao phanthao@thanhdouni.edu.vn Reducation Research Group, Thanh Do University
Nguyen Yen Chi chi@edlabasia.org EdLab Asia Educational Research and Development Centre
Hoang Anh Duc duc@edlabasia.org RMIT University
Homework effectiveness has long been a controversial issue for many educators, schools, and parents. Many researchers have tried to prove that homework is not just a nuisance we all have to face throughout the years but really can build character and good for students, like teachers and parents typically say. This bibliometrics review studied 429 documents related to homework in education from the Clarivate Web of Science from 1977 to 2020. This study aims to record the volume, growth pattern of homework literature and identify critical authors, publications, and topics of this knowledge base. The review found that the homework literature has grown remarkably over the past 43 years, with the most cited authors are from the US, Germany, and Portugal. Using co-citation, co-occurrence and bibliographic coupling analysis from the VOSviewer program, this research also indicated significant results and suggestions for future research. The findings showed that homework literature increased gradually in volume, with the most publications originated in the USA, and critical authors were Cooper, Xu, and Trautwein. Additionally, five common research topics were illustrated, namely the effect of homework and its measurement, homework environment, homework tasks and feedback, family involvement in homework, and time and effort

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