Validation of the progression of chemical identity thinking using Rasch analysis: A response to challenges in educational measurement

Validation of the progression of chemical identity thinking using Rasch analysis: A response to challenges in educational measurement

Jonathan M. Barcelo School of Nursing, Allied Health, and Biological Sciences, Saint Louis University (Philippines)
Objective measurement of students’ reasoning competencies in science contexts is relevant in promoting educational reforms in science education. Over the years, progression-based assessments have been prompted by applying Rasch analysis in developing research instruments. Towards contributing to this reform, this study describes the development and validation of the Chemical Identity Thinking Instrument, which is anchored on a hypothesized progression of chemical identity thinking among premedical students. Item content validity indices were determined to inform item restructuring and revision. The research instrument was administered to 362 first-year to third-year pre-medical students from five higher education institutions in the Philippines. A scoring rubric was utilized to evaluate the accuracy of answers, the accuracy of explanations, and the type of explanations of students. Based on these parameters, the level of chemical identity thinking of the students was determined. By applying the Rasch rating scale model, evidence of reliability and construct validity was obtained. The applications of the instrument and the scoring rubric were discussed in the context of assessment and evaluation in pre-medical programs. The interpretation of changes in student abilities along the hypothesized levels of chemical identity thinking in all items was also described.
Chemical identity
chemical identity thinking
pre-medical students
Rasch analysis
reasoning patterns

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