Enhancing online education: A model for establishing an effective learning space with Google Workspace tools

Enhancing online education: A model for establishing an effective learning space with Google Workspace tools

Pham Ngoc Son* pnson@hnmu.edu.vn Hanoi Metropolitan University (Vietnam)
Nguyen Thanh Huyen nthuyen@hnmu.edu.vn Hanoi Metropolitan University (Vietnam)
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has emerged as a popular teaching method, supported by advancements in technology and communication. The development of computer technology and the widespread availability of internet connections have facilitated the transition from traditional classrooms to online platforms. However, both educational institutions and learners have encountered numerous challenges in the process of online education. Schools struggle to determine suitable technological setups, and collaboration among administrators, teachers, and students has proven ineffective. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct research to identify an appropriate model for educational institutions. This study involves the participation of 12 instructors and 360 students from a university of pedagogy in Hanoi, with the objective of proposing a suitable online teaching tool and defining the roles of the participants. The research results suggest a model of an online learning space that utilizes Google Workspace tools, enabling the learning and working community to engage in online activities within a large, centrally managed environment. This teaching model offers easier access, a user-friendly experience, effectiveness, and simplicity in management and instruction for online education.
Online teaching
online learning
e-learn space
Google Workspace
learning management

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