The Rasch Model: Empowering Educational Achievement in the Developing World

The Rasch Model: Empowering Educational Achievement in the Developing World

Trevor G. Bond James Cook University, Australia
This paper contrasts accountability focussed Rasch based assessment systems with those that are aimed at supporting student learning, by drawing at distinctions between assessment of learning and assessment for learning. It includes a modest proposal for implementing a Rasch based assessment system in developing countries. After highlighting problems with current educational testing regimes, it describes two exemplary assessment systems which provide good models for developing testing in developing countries. In particular, it canvasses specific recommendations which move away from testing of learning to testing for learning. "If I had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle, I would say this. The most important single factor affecting learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly" (Ausubel, 1968).
rasch model
Rasch based assessment systems
educational achievement
developing countries

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