Factors affecting the writing skills of students: A case of a higher secondary school

Factors affecting the writing skills of students: A case of a higher secondary school

Tshewang Dema tdema1975@gmail.com Motithang Higher Secondary School
Writing is a vital skill in the formation of language. The present study explored the factors that affect students’ writing skills by employing a convergent mixed-methods research design guided by a pragmatic paradigm. A survey and an interview were used to collect data. Simple descriptive and statistical analysis for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data analysis were employed. The finding showed that writing develops communication, critical thinking, creativity, and imagination in students. The finding also identified intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional factors as affecting students’ writing skills. It is recommended that relevant stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, teachers, and parents work collaboratively to enhance the writing skills of the students

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