Test score equating and item anchoring for high stakes examination

Test score equating and item anchoring for high stakes examination

Chieng Zouh Fong* lalabai1108@gmail.com University of Malaya
Tong Yeah Chuen tongyc@yahoo.com University of Malaya
Test equating becomes essential to safeguard the test fairness for sitting for the actual national examination. Thus, this paper describes a proposal to help teachers in Malaysia to ascertain the relative efficiency of test score equating methods in comparing students’ high stakes examinations. The proposal addresses the practical implications of score equating by describing aspects of equating and item anchoring process which can be used by teachers. This study examined Principles of Accounting (PA) subject with Rasch measurement framework for dichotomous data analysis. A nonexperimental quantitative research approach was adopted in which a set of equivalent test instrument were administered to two different groups of respondents comprising 429 students. Data collection was through stratified random sampling method and analysed using Winstep software. Results showed a good fit study by using Common Item Non-Equivalent Group Design (CINEG) also named as Non-equivalent Groups with Anchor Test (NEAT) design. Both test forms were reasonably predictable good fit of measurement. No single student’s destiny should rely upon a single test paper (Wu et al., 2016). Hence, multiple sets of equivalent test papers should be developed by teachers in schools with the same standard as the actual exam papers. Subsequently, students will be more well prepared for the national examination and will be able to achieve desired grades.
Test equating
item anchoring
rasch model
test fairness.

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