Developing high-quality human resources in Information Technology - Where are the solutions for Vietnam?

Developing high-quality human resources in Information Technology - Where are the solutions for Vietnam?

Tran Thi Thai Ha The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences 106 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam
Luong Minh Phuong Hanoi University Km9, Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Information Technology (IT) human resource development has been put on the top agenda for all countries’ development in the fourth industrial revolution.In this movement, Vietnam also has to deal with a huge gap between the demand and supply of high-quality IT human resources. The paper puts forward five major solutions for the inadequate IT human resources in Vietnam including (i) developing an optimum strategy for high-quality IT human resources; (ii) enhancing the cooperation and networking among different partiesincluding Government, training institutions, businesses; (iii) updating and diversifying the training programs; (iv) regenerating the good model/practice of connecting business - university - technology providers in integrated efforts of IT human resource development; (v) developing an information connecting portal.
High-quality human resources
training institutions

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