The Use of GeoGebra Software in Learning Quadratic Function Graph to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of First-Year High school Students

The Use of GeoGebra Software in Learning Quadratic Function Graph to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of First-Year High school Students

Suryawati* Universitas Syiah Kuala Indonesia
Humaira Universitas Syiah Kuala Indonesia
Bintang Zaura Universitas Syiah Kuala Indonesia
Ellianti Universitas Syiah Kuala Indonesia
GeoGebra’s interactive and dynamic nature is a valuable tool for enhancing mathematics learning outcomes by improving students’ understanding, engagement, and mathematical abilities, particularly in quadratic functions. By integrating algebraic and graphical representations and supporting exploration and problem-solving, GeoGebra helps make abstract mathematical concepts more concrete and accessible to learners. This research aims to determine the impact of GeoGebra as a learning medium on student learning outcomes related to quadratic function graph material. A quantitative research method was used, with first-year students from Al-Falah Islamic High School as participants. The instrument consists of validated test questions to measure student learning outcomes. The research design used is a One-Shot Case Study, a type of pre-experimental design. Based on data analysis, the t-test results show that the calculated t-value (11.571) is greater than the tabulated t-value (2.074). Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, indicating that using GeoGebra as a learning medium for quadratic functions helps students achieve proficiency in their mathematics learning outcomes.
learning outcomes
Geogebra Learning Media
Quadratic Function Graphs.

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