Challenges and Best Practices in Implementing AUN-QA Standards in Higher Education Institutions

Challenges and Best Practices in Implementing AUN-QA Standards in Higher Education Institutions

Pham Ngoc Son Hanoi Metropolitan University Vietnam
The implementation of quality assurance mechanisms in higher education institutions is crucial for providing high-quality education and meeting societal needs. The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) framework is instrumental in promoting quality enhancement and international recognition for higher education programs in ASEAN member countries. This study analyzes information from 20 scholarly articles published in Scopus and Google Scholar indexed journals, focusing on AUN-QA-related content. The findings partially elucidate the reasons for higher education institutions’ adoption of AUN-QA and shed light on the challenges they face during its implementation. Additionally, the research provides insights into the key preparations universities need to undertake to effectively implement AUNQA standards. The results suggest that while universities adopt AUN-QA to improve their academic programs and enhance international collaboration, they encounter significant administrative and cultural challenges. Despite these obstacles, the AUN-QA framework fosters a culture of continuous improvement and student-centered learning, contributing to higher educational quality and international competitiveness. This study provides valuable insights for universities preparing to implement AUN-QA standards, emphasizing the critical role of strategic planning and stakeholder engagement in addressing implementation challenges and optimizing.
AUN-QA; Challenges of AUN-QA implementation; Quality assurance; Quality management; Universities.

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