Perceptions and Practices of EFL Lecturers in Research: A mixed-method Study

Perceptions and Practices of EFL Lecturers in Research: A mixed-method Study

Nguyen Thi Hong Anh* Thuyloi University (Vietnam)
Nguyen Van Son Thuyloi University (Vietnam)
Lam Thi Lan Huong Thuyloi University (Vietnam)
This mixed-method study aimed to explore the perceptions and practices of 115 English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) lecturers regarding research at different universities in Vietnam. Data were collected through online surveys distributed via Google Forms, and 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted among the participants. Results provided evidence that EFL lecturers were fully informed of the benefits of research and the close relationship between research and teaching. The study revealed important findings: generally poor research experience among lecturers with master and bachelor degrees, unsupportive conditions for research practices at higher institutions, and struggles over the cited conditions in conducting research. The study provided certain valuable suggestions at varying levels. At the micro level, EFL lecturers need to strengthen their motivation in conducting research by attending online research courses, forming the habit of reading scholarly articles, and intrinsically building a passion for conducting research. At the meso level, the faculty should aim to establish research groups with experienced researchers to help young lecturers participate in research activities. At the macro level, universities are advised to ensure the correct identification of research objectives and subjects in accordance with the content of the training program. Finally, universities should increase funding for research., especially by allocating more sources for social science programs.
research perception
research practice
research experience
research condition
EFL lecturer.

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