Information Needs and Information Seeking Patterns of Secondary School Geography Teachers to Implement National School Curriculum

Information Needs and Information Seeking Patterns of Secondary School Geography Teachers to Implement National School Curriculum

Chundu Zangmo Tamang Ministry of Education (Bhutan)
Tashi Royal University of Bhutan, Samtse College of Education (Bhutan)
Lekh Raj Ghalley Ministry of Education (Bhutan
This study aims to explore the information needs and informationseeking patterns of secondary school geography teachers in Bhutan. The study discussed availability, accessibility, sufficiency of information, and barriers to teachers’ information-seeking as the core themes of the study. This study was carried out by means of a survey collected from a total of 191 geography teachers in the whole country and two focus group discussions consisting of 5 members each. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS, while the qualitative data were analyzed using thematic method analysis. The results of the study indicated that the information needs of teachers are mostly related to teaching content, teaching resources, technology, and student’s learning needs. The investigation of the information resources available/accessible to fulfill the indicated information needs revealed that teachers are heavily reliant on online information sources. One of the major findings indicated in the study was a lack of research community in schools and a lack of information literacy among teachers. In the twenty-first century, education has to fulfill the demands of transmitting a growing amount of knowledge in an appropriate way and to be lifelong learners, continually aspiring to learn and teach. Therefore, it is apparent that educators must be aware of the changing demands in teaching and learning. The results of this research may be useful for the educational authorities to develop appropriate policies that promote teachers’ professional development competency and redevelop strategies to replace the inadequacy of information to fulfill curriculum demands.
Information needs
Information Seeking Pattern
and Information barriers.

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