Literature review of research in the area of digital safety competency for school age students and the prospect of digital safety education in Vietnam

Literature review of research in the area of digital safety competency for school age students and the prospect of digital safety education in Vietnam

Do Quyen University of Melbourne, Australia
Nguyen Hong Lien Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, Vietnam
Hoang Phuong Hanh* Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, Vietnam, University of Auckland, New Zealand
This paper describes the literature review of research about digital safety competency of school students. Review and analysis of more than 90 research papers and government documents concerning the topic were conducted using various search engines as well as through access to printed legal and guiding documents of Vietnamese Government. . In the one hand, review of the literature shows the complexity of the DL concept, on the other hand, it proves the importance of activities to reinforce the knowledge and skills and reorientation or strengthening the attitudes regarding digital safety and positive use of the new media at home and in school. The presented results also provide opportunities to enrich the insights into the educational processes which take place in the family environment in the digital age. The prospect of digital safety education in Vietnam is also discussed in relation with the global progress.
Digital citizenship
digital safety
secondary education
digital competencies
digital safety education

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