Self-efficacy and job satisfaction of women employees: A case of Royal University of Bhutan

Self-efficacy and job satisfaction of women employees: A case of Royal University of Bhutan

Bijoy Hangmo Subba Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
Yangdon2 Samtse College of Education, Bhutan
The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) currently has 1220 faculty members and staff working under the ten constituent colleges and the Office of the Vice Chancellor. This figure comprises of 402 women employees compared to 818 men (IMS, 2021). This number indicates that gender equality has not been reached within RUB. The present study explored the self-efficacy and job satisfaction levels of female RUB employees and how they are related. A mixed method, sequential explanatory design was adopted for the study. The quantitative data were gathered from 95 participants and the qualitative data were gathered from 38 participants. The participants included female employees working in different colleges of RUB and the Office of the Vice Chancellor. A thematic analysis following descriptive statistical analysis was used for the quantitative data and the qualitative data were analyzed along the same themes. The findings revealed that the participants’ levels of selfefficacy and job satisfaction are high. The study also highlighted a repertoire of factors that affect self-efficacy and job satisfaction. A study to explore the most effective and sustainable source of self-efficacy and job satisfaction is recommended.
job satisfaction
mixed method

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