Opportunities and Challenges of Online Teaching: A Convergent Mixed Method Study on the Implementation of Online Teaching in the Colleges of the Royal University of Bhutan

Opportunities and Challenges of Online Teaching: A Convergent Mixed Method Study on the Implementation of Online Teaching in the Colleges of the Royal University of Bhutan

Kinley Seden* kseden.sce@rub.edu.bt Samtse College of Education (BHUTAN)
Rinchen Dorji rinchendorji.sce@rub.edu.bt Samtse College of Education (BHUTAN)
Lhapchu Lhapcu.sce@rub.edu.bt Samtse College of Education (BHUTAN)
Thinley Wangchuk twangchuk.sce@rub.edu.bt Samtse College of Education (BHUTAN)
The study addresses the transition to teach a curriculum designed for face-to-face teaching through a full mode online teaching. There has been infusion of online technologies in teaching contexts, and teaching practices globally, little attention has been given to online teaching and learning in Bhutanese higher education context. This study investigated the opportunities and challenges of online teaching in the colleges of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) using a convergent mixed method approach. Survey questionnaire and interviews were used to collect the data. 153 teaching faculties and 1206 students responded to the survey. 30 faculties and 30 students consisting of equal number of male and female were interviewed. Descriptive analysis and inferential statistics were conducted for the survey data. The quantitative finding reveals age, experiences, educational qualification and colleges as important predictors of efficacy in the online teaching learning and assessment practices. The results also show that lecturers and students were somewhat satisfied with lecturers’ online teaching knowledge and skills. However, there are insignificant differences in the skills and knowledge possessed by both male and female lecturers and students of RUB colleges. Further, a positive correlation between lecturers’ online knowledge and skills to online assessment, learning support and resources was noted while students’ accessibility to online learning platforms and materials had lower correlation with other items. The qualitative finding indicates similar benefits and challenges related to online teaching. The study suggests respective colleges to support lecturers in their acquisition of ICT knowledge and skills to equip them for the digital age.
Online teaching
Bhutanese higher education

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