A Study on Impact of Student Loan Scheme for Tertiary Education in Bhutan

A Study on Impact of Student Loan Scheme for Tertiary Education in Bhutan

Rinzin Wangmo rinwangmo@moe.gov.bt Department of Adult and Higher Education, Ministry of Education (BHUTAN
The Students Loan Scheme for Tertiary Education in Bhutan was started in 2014 as a one-time project and has benefited over 400 secondary school graduates from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. No study has been carried out till date to assess its impact. Therefore, using a mixed method sequential explanatory design, this study examines the impact, challenges and recommendations for the student loan scheme. The quantitative data were gathered from 111 participants and the qualitative data from 3 participants. A thematic analysis following descriptive statistical analysis was used for the quantitative data, and the qualitative data were analysed along the same themes. This study found that the benefits of the scheme far outweighed the risk of any default in loan repayment; and recommended continuing the scheme with some revision in the implementation process. There is a need for regular impact studies to be conducted if the scheme is to be continued.
Department of Adult and Higher Education

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